
If you like to go with the flow, then you are learning to ride the wave of life.  Our instructors come from many teachings and backgrounds, each capable of teaching from life experience to help students integrate yoga on and off the mat.  Every class weaves a tapestry of teachings, thought provoking philosophy and carries heartfelt intention and inspiration to create a safe container for you to expand and return to you.  

Vinyasa yoga, also referred to as flow yoga, is a practice in which movements and asanas (poses) are synchronized with the breath. At Yoga Studio Satya in Colorado Springs, our vinyasa yoga classes consist of upward movements that are performed while inhaling and downward movements that are performed while exhaling. The asanas are linked together so that the class consists of almost continuous, smoothly flowing movement. One of our vinyasa classes is a great way to get your body moving, break a sweat, while the synchronization of breath with movement brings sense of increased focus.  These classes include a broad range of poses: standing and balancing postures, twists, backbends, seated poses, forward folds, inversions and supine poses.  Each offering closes with a resting practice or meditation. As this is an individual practice, you may see many shapes and modifications.  We encourage you to find the shape and form that suits you, with permission to explore as each day is different.  

At Yoga Studio Satya, our Vinyasa yoga classes can help you increase your muscle strength, improve your flexibility & balance, enjoy increased focus and concentration, and enrich your spiritual life. We can easily modify the practice to suit practitioners of all levels, using props or straps to support your body in correct alignment.  Yoga will meet you where you are, as your experience growth so will your practice.  Vinyasa (Flow) yoga is a very diverse practice -- in fact, there are several styles of vinyasa offered here: Gentle Yoga includes a slow flow with restorative postures, Beginner Yoga helps the new student learn organic alignment in postures and how to connect movement using the breath while our 90 minute vinyasa practice is where we challenge the body in a playful way exploring arm balances or inversions.  The Sanskrit word vinyasa means "to place with purpose" so as we move through the physical practice, we mindfully place our body and breath. This concentration leads to a moving meditation.  Whether you're looking for a strong workout, increased focus on the mind-body connection, or an avenue to a more spiritual lifestyle, there's a vinyasa style ideally suited to your needs at Yoga Studio Satya.  Our aim is to make you feel comfortable, so don’t be afraid to try something new, because we will help you along the way!

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First Month of Unlimited Yoga - $49


Yoga Studio Satya Hours

We respect your time. All classes start on time and doors are locked when class is in session.

Primary Location


9:30 am-7:00 pm


8:30 am-7:00 pm


9:30 am-7:00 pm


9:30 am-7:00 pm


9:30 am-7:00 pm


8:30 am-2:00 pm


8:30 am-8:00 pm